Thursday, November 18, 2010


Im just updating you since your out and evadentlly drinking so my daughter says. I have been treating Jamie all day whos fever just keeps rising. Her wonderful BF punnched me in the face, My daughter is acting like a drama queen and is mad at the world. and i miss you like crazy. i cant belive your seeing HP 7.1 this is insane lol if only you knew butterfly. I dont want to leave Jamie but Port St. Lucie for Thanksgiving doesnt sound so bad, she will be busy with either her Mother or Seth and honestly i have no clue which is better. I love you like crazy and i know you know this.....Text me as soon as you wake up



I am going to do whatever i can for you and jamie i hope you know that. I want both of you as happy as i am! I love you always!